Inspire Me to Fitness!

I’m often asked about the most important exercise and nutrition tips for Baby Boomers and seniors. Like many health professionals and speakers, I’ve come up with an acronym to make my message more memorable: INSPIRE ME! These words include much of the fitness-after-50 advice I’ve provided in other blogs, magazines and newspapers.

Inspire me!!!
Inspire me!!!

I–Initialize your journey. Check with healthcare provider; obtain baseline data. You need to know where you are (weight, blood pressure, blood sugar–your important medical data) to monitor your progress. And know the big WHY! What is the driving force behind your fitness quest–surfing, decreasing medications, living to see your grandchildren graduate? These goals will sustain you through obstacles and plateaus.
N–Nurture yourself. Develop support systems and rewards. One of the biggest predictors of success in any new program is a viable support system–a family member, friend, Facebook buddy or neighbor. Rewards are likewise vital, as they’re your own “pat on the back” for a job well done.
S–Slurp it up. Drink lots of water. Most folks don’t drink enough water, especially as they age. The general recommendation is 8 cups of water per day. If you’re urinating every couple hours, and the color is pale yellow, you’re probably well-hydrated.
P–Pump iron. Lift weights and progressively increase resistance. Strength training is critical for strong muscles to support your body and maintain self-sufficiency.
I–Include cardiovascular exercise, also. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-level activity per week. Walking, swimming, bicycling, dancing, gardening and bowling help strengthen your heart and lungs, and control weight, blood sugar and blood pressure.
R–Rainbow-ize your diet. Eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables, 7+ servings per day. These gems are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals that help stave off inflammation and some of today’s worse killers–heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cancer and mental decline.
E–Eat less red meat, sugar and salt. Minimize these items as much as possible to keep your blood vessels, muscles, bones and brain healthy!

M–Move throughout the day. Get up once every hour to engage large muscles. Our bodies were made for moving, and we do it less and less! Make a conscious effort to get off your bootie every hour for a few minutes to stretch and exercise your legs!.
E–Enjoy healthy fats from fish, nuts and olive oil. These foods are full of unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids that help protect against aging.

For more fitness information, get my free ebook!

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