Fitness after 50 is within your reach!

Lisa Harris

If you’re a Baby Boomer trying to delay the effects of aging, or a senior struggling to remain self-sufficient, you’re not alone!  Millions of Americans now turn to healthy eating and physical activity to bolster their well-being as the years creep along.

Enduring Fitness 4U can help!

Sign up and receive a copy of my free ebook:
The Top 7 Fitness Myths Debunked

Fitness after 50 is within your reach!

Lisa Harris

If you’re a Baby Boomer trying to delay the effects of aging, or a senior struggling to remain self-sufficient, you’re not alone!  Millions of Americans now turn to healthy eating and physical activity to bolster their well-being as the years creep along.

Enduring Fitness 4U can help!


Sign up and receive a copy of my free ebook:
The Top 7 Fitness Myths Debunked


My name is Lisa Harris, Owner, Enduring Fitness 4U!

I’m a Baby Boomer in the Temecula area of Southern California, and I know that growing older is unavoidable. But I also know you can take control of that process to promote active aging.

I work closely with my clients to help them overcome the challenges that happen to our bodies as we age. Together we create an individualized program of personal training and nutrition guidance to support the lifestyle changes for YOUR specific wellness needs!


My goal is to help others to:

My Story

Two life events inspired my journey to creating a health and wellness business.

The first occurred in the 1990s, when double-vision and droopy eyelids sent me to my doctor.  Eventually I received a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis, an incurable autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness.

The second life event happened a few years later, during a visit to my mother’s senior living facility.  Conversations with mom and her friends led to an epiphany — many of those lovely ladies were simply waiting to move on to the next level of care.  They were afraid of falls and pneumonia, and of becoming a burden to their families.

I realized then, from both of these experiences, that everybody ultimately wants to be self-sufficient. Whether at midlife or beyond, we want to enjoy the last decades of our lives as fully and independently as possible.

My Decision

Having taken control of my own wellbeing, I knew I wanted to assist others after that visit.  I remember thinking, “I can watch my mother and others her age continue to let their health decline, or I can do something to help.”

So at age 57, I decided to invest in myself by pursuing a new career, combining my knowledge as a nutritionist with that of a fitness professional. This is how “Enduring Fitness 4 U” came to be.  I realized that my skills and experience gave me the tools to help others who wanted to stay strong, active, and independent as they age.

My journey to a plant-based lifestyle started a couple years later when I was researching my first book, Building Your Enduring Fitness.  This diet plan–rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts and seeds–supports a plethora of health benefits, all backed by science. And so now I do my best to help others incorporate aspects of a plant-focused, whole-food diet into their eating habits.

With my business, I’ve been able to transform the lives of my clients. They see improvements in their own strength and confidence, and can make more nutritious food choices. Through an enduring fitness program, customized for my clients, I can help them become more self-sufficient to maintain their quality of life.

If you are looking to make this type of change in your life, but need a little help and support to reach your nutrition and fitness goals, please reach out to me and we can look at how you can see success.

Imagine feeling fit, energized, and confident about your ability to fully enjoy life!

This can be achieved by our many services below. For more information, contact Lisa!

Jumpstart Your Nutrition Fitness

Private one-on-one coaching session. Nutritional assessment and customized nutrition plans wrapped around your medical issues and health goals. Initial meeting is one hour followed by a 30-minute follow-up.

Make It A Habit

Group fitness training class for older adults. Join us for twice weekly 45-minute sessions using light dumbbells to build strength, balance, and flexibility.

Enduring Change

One-on-one personal training (3 - 6 months). Twice weekly personal strength training with initial and final fitness assessments, goals development, evaluation of home for falls (if appropriate), and nutrition coaching. Includes pantry makeover, restaurant rescue, and grocery shopping guidance.


Book Lisa for your next speaking event!


Building Your Enduring Fitness!

Finally, the fitness book you’ve been waiting for! Based on sound scientific studies gleaned from years of study and experience in the nutrition and fitness fields, Lisa brings to the reader topics included in many of her most popular blogs and magazine articles.  She gives you proven strategies for:

  • Finding and keeping your true motivation for lifestyle changes
  • Creating more movement every day
  • Improving your diet by incorporating more plant-based foods
  • Protecting against falls, getting up if you go down
  • Eating away from home with wellness in mind

Available NOW!
$24.95 (plus $4.00 shipping & handling)


Read My Latest Posts

The COVID Traveler

By Lisa Teresi Harris | February 22, 2021

Venturing out for a short road trip, only the third time in the past year, my husband and I traveled to the beautiful central California coast last week.  And while COVID-19 cases are going down in our state, we are both over 65 and very mindful of being out in the world these days; I […]

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Calling in the Cavalry!

By Lisa Teresi Harris | February 10, 2021

Finally, the end is in sight…or is it?  Even as deaths from COVID-19 inch down in some areas, and vaccinations become more readily available, it’s still important to stay vigilant in supporting your immune system.  This is especially true for older adults, who are more susceptible to severe infections.  And one easy way to help […]

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Heart Health—A New Urgency

By Lisa Teresi Harris | February 1, 2021

February is National Heart Month. Heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the United States.  But emphasis on keeping this vital organ healthy takes on new importance for Baby Boomers and older adults in 2021:  having heart failure puts people at increased risk of severe illness from the coronavirus. In addition, according to […]

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Plant-Focused Nutrition

"We should all be eating fruits and vegetables as if our lives depend on it–because they do."

- Michael Greger, MD

Today, Americans are downright unhealthy! Luckily, experts agree that most chronic diseases–everything from Alzheimer’s and diabetes to cancer and heart disease–are preventable with good nutrition. Yet 90% of us don't eat enough fruits and vegetables each day, and 70% of Americans try to fill the gaps in their nutritional intake with multivitamins (even though studies show these isolated nutrients do not lead to better health nor do they prevent disease).

The truth is, we’re not suffering from a vitamin deficiency, we’re suffering from a whole-food deficiency! And people are starting to realize the benefit that making one simple change to their eating habits can make.


Independent clinical research show Juice Plus+ supports the function of the immune system.


Tower Garden systems let you easily grow your own fresh, nutrient-rich food without soil.

Praise For Lisa Harris

"Lisa’s perfect combination of training knowledge, nutrition expertise, and accountability is just what I needed to jolt me out of my longtime bad habits of eating wrong and hardly exercising at all. So far I have lost 60 pounds, my stamina is much higher, and I’m enjoying life more. I now have a passion for healthy, lean, smart eating and exercising regularly. I can’t recommend her highly enough!"

Leonard F., Temecula, CA

"Lisa Harris gets it! There’s just too much conflicting information out there about fitness and nutrition for Baby Boomers and older adults.  Harris take all the scientific jargon and distills it down to useful tips for you to follow."

Tara Borghese, Author/Speaker and creator of “Moments With Miley”

"Lisa helps you step into a self-leadership role in your own wellness.  I love that her book helps you become empowered in your health so that you can SHINE!"

Rebecca Hall Gruyter, Women’s Empowerment Leader, CEO/Owner of RHG Media Productions and Your Purpose Driven Practice.


Enduring Fitness 4U is proud to be recognized as one of four top winners in the Inland Empire Small Business Competition 2015, sponsored by Wells Fargo in conjunction with Inland Empire Women’s Business Center, Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center and Inland Empire Small Business Development Center.


Contact Lisa Harris

Please reach out to me if you would like to book a consultation or if you are interested in fitness and nutrition services.


P.O. Box 2426
Temecula, CA 92593

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