Your Immune System vs The Nasty Viruses

Nasty bugs…global pandemics…the coronavirus.  They’ll always be out there assaulting our bodies.  And if you’re an older adult, or a young child, you’re especially vulnerable to these and other illnesses.

Be sure to wash your hands after blowing!

While no one can promise a diet or pill that will keep you from ever catching the next deadly virus, we do have some proven strategies to help boost your immune system.

(No surprises from this list, but always a good reminder.)

1)  Sleep.  Get plenty of shut-eye, generally recommended to be 7 – 8 hours per night.  Why?  Because lack of sleep may decrease levels of certain proteins needed to fight infection and inflammation.  In addition, inadequate sleep increases blood pressure, insulin resistance, cortisol, weight gain, and cardiovascular disease—all conditions that are unkind to your immune system.

2)  Hand washing.  Twenty seconds of thorough hand washing after sneezing, blowing your nose, or coughing gets rid of germs (if you use your hands to capture the mess!); we just forget to do this on a regular basis.  No special anti-bacterial soap is necessary, just a good scrubbing!  Also wash your hands after touching infected household objects or those in public areas.

3)  Exercise.  Folks who exercise regularly report less illness.  Physical activity  improves hearth health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight and blood sugar, and protects from a variety of diseases.  As I always say, 10 minutes of walking two or three times a day, five days a week goes a long way toward fulfilling your exercise quotient.

4)  Stress.  Our lives are nothing if they’re not filled with stress—intentional or unintentional.  Stress lowers our resistance to illness, so do what you can to control it.  Avoid people who upset you on a regular basis, learn meditation, do yoga, read, listen to great music, laugh!

5)  Diet.  A diet high in sugar and processed foods can wreak havoc on your immune system.  So fill up on a variety of whole fresh fruits, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dried beans and peas, lean protein sources.  Again, nothing new!

Many of you know I partnered with a company called Juice Plus+ last year.  Its fruit and vegetable powder concentrates are backed by 38 published research studies.  Among the proven benefits, Juice Plus+ increases the amount of vitamin C and other healthful micronutrients circulating in the blood, and supports immune health.

For more information about Juice Plus+ whole food products, check out my website.

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