Another Tool in My Healthcare Arsenal 

Juice Plus+ products are made from the juice powder concentrates and oils from more than 30 different fruits and vegetables in convenient and inexpensive capsule form.

As I’ve worked with baby boomers and older adults over the years, I find my nutrition guidance boils down to three major points: drink enough water, eat ample protein throughout the day, and increase your fruit and vegetable consumption.

I’m usually successful on the first two counts, but always fall short on that final piece of advice.  Most of my clients struggle to eat even two or three full servings of produce daily.  And while the official recommendation is five servings, health professionals now recognize we get a far greater health benefit with lots more servings: 9 – 11 fruits and vegetables per day.

As I’ve written before, a plant-based diet decreases the risk of chronic disease and extends life expectancy.  It’s just plain good for us!

Regrettably, I don’t even discuss that 9 – 11 number with people, because I know it’s unattainable.  Honestly I don’t even reach that goal myself.

But what if I could recommend a way to bridge that gap–a simple, convenient, affordable, non-perishable way to boost plant-based nutrition?

And what if I didn’t share this with my family, friends, and clients?  That would be a tragedy.

It is with this introduction that I’m proud to announce I’ve joined the Juice Plus+ family.  Please click this link to see what it’s all about, and if it might be right for you and your loved ones.

Click here to find out more!

For additional healthy eating ideas, give me a call!

We can discuss some practical tips and discover if any of my programs or classes are a good fit for your friends or family.
If you’d like to schedule that call with me, just CLICK THIS LINK, and let me know in the message that you would like a 1-on-1 call with me right away and I will be in touch to schedule that—oh, and leave me your phone number in there too since email is not as reliable as it used to be! Thanks.

Lisa Teresi Harris is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Personal Trainer, and author of the book Building Your Enduring Fitness.  A certified Geri-Fit Instructor, she helps Boomers and seniors to regain and keep muscle strength, mobility, and energy.
Contact Lisa to inquire about a customized, in-home fitness program for you or a loved one.

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