Blog #234 The Eyes Have It, Or Do They?

As many baby boomers and older adults are well aware, as we age, we often have visual impairments.  In fact, these eye problems nearly triple from age 65 to 85+.  Of particular concern is age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss for older Americans.

The risk for developing AMD is influenced by genetics and lifestyle choices, including smoking, physical activity, and diet.  Just what is the research showing in terms of ways to modify the risk of AMD?

Fruits and vegetables–you’ve heard it before

Studies suggest that we do not consume enough appropriate foods to protect our eye health.  Two phytochemicals in particular are showing up: lutein and zeaxanthin.  These antioxidants are found in dark leafy greens and green vegetables.

Kale is an excellent source of eye-friendly nutrients.

The amount that seems to be protective is about 6 milligrams per day, equivalent to one cup of cooked kale.  If one follows the recommended food servings from the 2015 – 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, this amount can be met.  The American Optometric Association recommends 10  milligrams of lutein and 2 milligrams of zeaxanthin daily to slow AMD progression.

Other dietary components that have been linked with lower risk of cataracts and AMD include:

  • more Vitamin A (sweet potatoes, carrots, peppers)
  • more vitamin C (oranges, peppers, broccoli)
  • more vitamin E (sunflower seeds, wheat germ)
  • adequate vitamin D (salmon, tuna, fortified dairy and juices)

High meat consumption, especially red meat, has been linked to an increase in age-related eye conditions.

Your eye care professional may recommend supplements with Vitamin C and E, beta-carotene or lutein and zeaxanthin, copper and zinc, and possibly omega-3 fatty acids for those with  AMD.

But for the rest of us, consuming a diet full of fruits and vegetables, getting 7+ servings per day, is the best thing we can do to support our eye health as we age.

To learn more about how Juice Plus can enhance your plant-based nutrition, click here.

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