7 Lessons I Learned from A Former Pageant Queen

I had the privilege to share some time with dozens of women at the Grown Up Sexy conference in Los Angeles this past weekend. The two days were filled with uplifting messages and tips that apply to any Baby Boomer or senior who is seeking a lifestyle transformation–and isn’t that what getting strong and staying independent is all about?

lisa harris fitness trainer baby boomers
Transform your life and get what you want!

The event’s organizer is Lesley Nardini, a former Mrs. Oregon winner. According to Lesley, Grown Up Sexy means “looking good, feeling great and creating the life of your dreams so that you can be a shining light, helping others along the way.”

Here are seven take-aways from the weekend that I want to pass on to my readers:

1) It’s never too late to transform yourself and make a difference in other people’s lives! Two of the speakers were dynamic women in their 70s who have helped many people–both personally and professionally–and these women are still going strong! This message reinforced my mission to continue serving you all at age 63 and beyond!

2) It’s never too early to start planning your life! One of the gals in the audience was 14 years old. What I would have given to know the power of goals, consistency and positive thinking at that age! Hopefully this young lady can take some stories to heart and apply them to her life.

3) Which leads me to the power of goals. No matter what you desire in life, write it down, be specific, speak your goals and work on them daily. Whether it’s walking more often, picking up your weights twice a week or eating more fruits and vegetables, put it in writing and run your fingers over the words to solidify the goals in your subconscious.

4) Speak gratitude every day of your life, especially if you’re struggling with body image. Lesley recommends: before you go to sleep each night, “love on” all your body parts, especially the ones you wish you could change. And wake up feeling grateful that you have “two legs and two arms that work, and a body that’s still standing.” Amen to that!

5) Stop telling yourself negative stories. If you continue, you’ll surely attract these things into your life! Turn a negative into a positive, and repeat that positive self-talk over and over. My new mantra: I’m strong, I’m confident, I’m smart, I’m competent and I’m a money magnet! What do you want out of your life?

6) One of my big take-aways was a nightly Ta-Da! list. Instead of going to bed with a to-do list for the next day, give yourself praise for small things you accomplished that day–your ta-da moments–five per night. Yesterday my ta-das included: I posted a photo from the event on FaceBook, I posted a photo on Instagram (I do not enjoy social media!), I helped another woman at the meeting afford a cool business opportunity offered during the day, I introduced myself to a husband and wife team with experience in the media who I can tap into when I start looking at TV interviews. And the weekend’s speakers also drilled us about the benefits of getting outside our comfort zones–that’s what all these experiences did.

7) And finally, a reminder (in my case, she was preaching to the choir!): exercise can positively impact your self-image, confidence, energy, vitality and frame of mind. As always, keep moving!!!

Looking for other ways to reach your lifestyle goals?  Give me a call!

We can discuss some practical tips and discover if any of my programs or classes are a good fit for you.
If you’d like to schedule that call with me, just CLICK THIS LINK, and let me know in the message that you would like a 1-on-1 call with me right away and I will be in touch to schedule that – oh, and leave me your phone number in there too since email is not as reliable as it used to be! Thanks.

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